
Showing posts from November, 2021

920C Control Panel project

   Reviving an Elliott 920C control panel  As a vounteer at the UK National Museum of Computing (TNMOC),  I've started a project to breath life into this 1960s Elliott 920C control panel. This is just the control panel module for a 920C computer, which sadly we don't have as an exhibit. So at present it's a static exhibit.  The original idea was to simply animate the control panel by lighting the lamps by flicking a switch.  This has significantly expanded into actually building a Raspberry Pi Elliot 900 Emulator*, and controlling it from the 920 control panel. A perfect example of Scope Creep at its finest ! * There is an active Elliott 900 Emulator community, I've selected Andrew J Herbert's 900 Emulator in C , as Andrew is handily close by for many questions - he is the chair of the TNMOC Trustees !). Initial feasability tests The initial 2 tasks was to get a Pi C software framework in place to read switches and light lamps, and secondly see what's